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Reclaiming the Wild Woman

A call to the wild

Within the depths of our womb-enhood, a primal intuition lives. Amongst the layers and suits, there’s a wild woman, yearning to be freed from manmade shackles. She is the expression of the unruly feminine essence, instinctually connected to nature’s cycles, since floating within her mother’s womb. Her intuition is a sense of its own, her emotional intelligence is as vast as the ocean, and her sensuality is her greatest muse for creation. Throughout history, as ancient as time, the wild woman archetype has been subdued and incarcerated by the patriarchal structures which ruled through fear-based tactics and control, which bled out to all communities and parts of the earth. The footprints left behind are still clear as day.

Unbeknown to the misogyny, the embodiment of the Wild Woman forms a powerful force that provides nourishment to us all, just as mother nature does when we open our ears to hear what we could not hear before. She emerges from the shadows of lost myths and stories founded on ancient wisdom, reminding us of the goddesses and extinct rebellion which inhabit us.

How can we reclaim her fiercely primal core?

Our Roots

Deep within our ancestral memories lie traces of the wild woman archetype. She dances freely through the sacred rituals of ancient goddesses like Artemis, embodying the wilds of the untamed forests. Her song is whispered through the tales of Goddess Lilith, an untamed, sensual force, that has been misunderstood and quietened. Then there is fiery Kali, a fearsome Goddess, interwoven with destruction and liberation from the shackles of fear, paving the way for us to see the transformation within destruction and the fertile soil that unearths from the flames. When we re-connect to the ancient roots of the Wild Woman, we tap into a wellspring of ancient wisdom and reclaim our primal connection to the divine feminine, by seeing our reflection and our own lives mirrored back to us, through the power of story.

One of the most powerful constrictions of being able to embody our true form as a woman is the misogyny that has underpinned our existence for millennia. The long-standing oppressive force woven into the fabric of our history has forged a collective wound that has weakened our ability to integrate the archetypes of our true form. The fear and control led by a misogynistic social realm have stifled her innate gifts and denied her divinity. Throughout the ages, women have faced the cruel consequences of being labelled as witches, sorceresses, and enchantresses for expressing their intuitive knowledge and connection to the natural world. They were condemned for their sensuality and sexuality, the patriarchal projections, leading to a deep branding that stifled our breath, our truth, and our existence.

Women who dared to challenge societal norms were branded as heretics, often facing persecution, torture, and death. The witch hunts of the Middle Ages were ruthless trials fueled by misogyny, targeting women who possessed knowledge of herbal medicine, healing, and wisdom that the distorted law could not understand.

Even in these modern times, we witness subtle yet rife forms of misogyny that feed the suppression of women. Empowering teachings that challenge gender stereotypes and celebrate the diverse expressions of femininity is imperative. Finding or creating a safe space for women to reclaim their voices and embrace their truth fosters a supportive and nurturing environment for deep embodiment. We also sometimes forget that the importance of including men in this path is profound. We must all work together to become allies in dismantling these oppressive systems that have formed a collective wound amongst us all.

Reclaiming the Primal Goddess

The journey towards reclaiming the Wild Woman starts with the sacred embodiment of our vessel. By reconnecting with our physical selves, we honour the body which has carried us onto earth, through life, and provide us with clues that keep us safe. Through movement, dance, and ritual, we awaken our primal instincts, unleashing a torrent of creative energy and reconnecting with the sensual wisdom that resides within.

Come home to nature’s rhythms

To reclaim the wild woman, we must rediscover our intimate relationship with nature. We must remember the reason why we are here. The Oxygen which gives life to us. The seasons teach us and mirror us. The sustenance which nourishes our minds and bodies. The power of grounding brings us back down to earth when we’ve spent too long with our head in the clouds. By connecting once again with the elements, we tap into the primal forces that reside within us. The wind whispers ancient secrets, the earth grounds us, the fire ignites our passion, and the water washes away all that no longer serves. By embracing nature, we find solace, guidance, and a profound connection to our wild essence.


The Wild Woman is a vessel of deep-rooted intuitive wisdom. By waking up to our intuition; our powerful sixth sense, we begin to give life to our inner compass, guiding us toward our unique path of authenticity. Through practices such as meditation, or mindfulness as a whole (mindful walks, hobbies that entice the flow state, gardening, and art) as well as journaling, poetry, dreamwork, and embodiment practices. From this place of congruence to the self, we cultivate a deep trust in our intuitive insights, harnessing the wild wisdom that lies within.

Find your Sisters

The reclamation of the wild woman is a collective rite of passage born from a collective wound. The reclamation of the Wild Woman has always been woven into the power of sisterhood and tribe. In the space of like-souled women, we find the strength to break free from the chains of suppression and step into the fullness which resides within. Within a sacred circle of sisterhood, we create a sanctuary — a safe, non-judgmental haven — where we are free to express all that makes us human. The fire. The envy. The depression. The panic. The joy. The play. The sensual. The Wild Woman.

In these empowering communities, we unlock the wisdom of our ancestors — the ancient knowledge passed down through generations of Wild Women who danced under the moon’s luminescent gaze. Here, we find our tribe, our soul sisters, who show us our true reflection, by truly seeing and hearing us.

Through this interconnected web of support, the Wild Woman flourishes, her truth unfurling like a blossom under the illuminating rays above us. You can dance, chant, and embody the playful states you’ve been told are only meant for children or the crazies. Immersing yourself in the primal, the lost, the mysterious. Call to the archetypal goddesses that show us who we are and who we can be, drawing strength from their fierce devotion.

The benefits of finding our tribe are vast, like the depths of the ocean. We heal our collective wounds that formed through generations, releasing the heavyweights that lay on our ancestral line. We witness each other’s stories, holding space for the tears and laughter that flow like streams of freedom. In the soft touch of sisterhood, we celebrate each other, no longer held by competitiveness or envy.


The Wild Woman yearns us to relieve the shackles of shame and embrace them unapologetically. In this fierceness, we give permission to dive deep into the true longings which reside inside, reclaiming the essence of our passion, joy, and sensuality. This can release the confinement that society’s rigid expectations wrote in our blood. When we step boldly into the depth of our desires, listening mindfully to our soul, rather than the conditioning imprinted on us, we can forge our own path and see the Wild Woman looking back at us in the mirror. Through the wisdom of the Wild Woman, we learn that desires are not mere fads or transient fantasies, but the untamed whispers directly from our soul, guiding us toward the lives that enrich and expand us. Liberating our desires is not confined to the realm of romantic connections or sensuality; it extends to every facet of womanhood. We claim the right to demand sovereignty. Whether it be success, abundance, creativity, or connection, the Wild Woman can be your muse without self-doubt or hesitation.

Shadow Work

Reclaiming the Wild Woman requires a courageous exploration of our shadows — that which hides in the dark. (It is not dark.) It’s the uncharted depths of our psyche. By confronting and integrating our fears, wounds, and societal conditioning, we embrace the fullness of our humanness. We dance with our shadows, honouring their teachings, and emerge as powerful and whole. I have a full article on Shadow Work on my blog: 

Awakening the primal goddess is a transformation through empowerment, spiritual reclamation, and sensual liberation. By embracing the wild woman archetype, we transcend the limitations imposed upon us by patriarchal systems. In reclaiming our wildness, we can dance with ancient wisdom, unravel misogyny, and honour the sacredness of our bodies. Through embodiment, deep connection with nature, and the support of sisterhood, we breathe life into the Wild Woman, allowing her feral spirit to guide us toward authenticity, purpose, and freedom. Ask yourself what it would be like to embody the poetry of your soul.

©️ Rights Reserved, Bonnie Knapton

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