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Welcome Home Dear Tribe

Here, you will find solace in solidarity with resources on Conscious Parenting, Pregnancy and Postpartum nourishment, Mindfulness, Sisterhood, Slow living, Embodiment, and words inspiring a cyclical life and balanced nervous systems for both you and your children.

All parts of you are welcomed with open arms. Conscious living, parenting & healing means to wake up to the truth behind what it means to be a radical human being and primal parent. It does not come with a set manual, a how-to-guide, and there is no right or wrong to your experience.

This is an invitation to be seen, heard, felt and honoured through all of your seasons.

To embody an unwavering love for yourself within the days you see red, the moments you feel lost at sea, just as much as the times you feel a deep joy, for the sake of feeling beautifully joyful.

Come home to your roots.

If you would like to be gifted with a rich resource with 5 Nervous System Regulation Practices to soothe your body & soul, as well as being curated so your child can do these with you, you can sign up below. A gift from me to you.

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The Shadow Self

Recalling our lost parts through Shadow Work The shadow is alive inside of us all….

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