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Embodying the Wild Woman Within Motherhood

embody the wild woman within motherhood and conscious parenting blog post for feminine healing

Motherhood is the ultimate journey into the remembrance of the wild woman within. We have been rebirthed on a physical, mental and physiological level. From pregnancy, to birth, postpartum and motherhood, our masks fall, our suits become invisible, and we can see for what can feel like the first time. Within all of our pain and all of our ecstatic joy, we can see. Motherhood is the biggest spiritual awakening of a woman’s life. 

We are reminded of who we were when we were young, through the triggers that arise from our own children. Messages as to where our undivided attention is needed. We are sparked by a curiosity and childlike joy as we see the world through their eyes. 

But, we can also lose our innate wild woman, at the hands of a society that has shamed, judged and misunderstood her power. Especially in motherhood. The world we’re living in still holds many outdated beliefs that to be a mother is to be a good, calm, perfect mother, who revolves her time and space around her children, as well as the idea that mother’s no longer have primal desires, needs and emotions just like every other human out there. 

The internalized myths of the wild woman stem from the witch trials, and are still here today to shame women and turn us against each other out of fear of being seen too much. Our gifts were too powerful, we were too connected to the earth and the cycles, we were too influential when we gathered in sisterhood, our instincts were too wise, our sensuality was too fiery.

Within the death of the wild woman, we shut off from the potency that ran through our veins. We held onto our voice, our talents and dis-connected from the earth and each other, so we could be safe in a world no longer created for us. The greatest dis-service is that this has now led to us birthing families that too, are dis-connected from their wildly rooted selves. 

Their core values and beliefs aren’t known to them, as they have been taught that safety lies within living in a masculine world. A world of logic, focus, independence and leadership. We have become so intent on being strong, that our world has forgotten the need for a balance of feminine energy alongside us. The qualities of compassion, creativity, collaboration and gentleness. You can read deeper into this in this beautiful blog, here.

These are the qualities I think of when I reflect on what it means to be a mother.

We are the earth. The world starts and ends with us. 

Amid the nurturing and care we provide for our children, there’s a powerful opportunity to reconnect with our inner wild woman—the untamed, instinctual essence that resides within each of us. At Wildly Rooted Woman, we believe that embracing this wild woman within motherhood not only enriches our lives but also sets a profound example for our children. Here’s how you can embody this primal, vibrant energy and integrate it into your mothering experience.

Rediscovering Your Wild 

Embracing your intuition is about recognizing and trusting the innate wisdom that guides you, particularly as a mother. Here are some detailed insights and practical tips to help you harness this powerful inner resource:

1. Trust Your Instincts

In the fast-paced world of daily responsibilities, mothers often juggle numerous tasks and decisions. Amid this chaos, it’s common to doubt oneself. However, a mother’s intuition is a profound and often accurate guide. Here’s how to cultivate and trust your instincts:

Acknowledge Your Inner Wisdom: Recognize that your intuition is based on your unique experiences, knowledge, and emotional intelligence. It’s your subconscious mind processing information rapidly, sometimes faster than your conscious mind.

Act Without Overthinking: When you feel a strong gut feeling about something, try to act on it without over-analyzing. Whether it’s about your child’s health, emotional state, or a family decision, trust that your first instinct is often right.

Reflect on Past Experiences: Think about times when your instincts were spot on. Reflecting on these instances can help build confidence in your intuitive abilities.

2. Mindful Moments

Create Time for Reflection

Incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine can significantly enhance your ability to hear and trust your intuition. Here are ways to integrate mindful moments into your busy life:

Meditation: Set aside a few minutes each day for meditation. This practice helps calm the mind and fosters a deeper connection with your inner self. Even short, consistent meditation sessions can increase awareness and intuition.

You can find my re-parenting your inner child meditation and guide for parents here

Quiet Reflection: Find quiet moments throughout your day to reflect. This could be during a morning coffee, while your child naps, or before bed. Use this time to listen to your thoughts and feelings without judgment.

Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a powerful way to connect with your intuition. Journaling allows you to process emotions and ideas, providing clarity and insight.

Mindful Breathing: Practice mindful breathing exercises. Focusing on your breath helps anchor you in the present moment, making it easier to hear your intuitive thoughts.

3. Integrating Intuition in Daily Life

Here are some practical ways to apply your intuition in everyday parenting and decision-making:

Decision Making:When faced with a decision, take a moment to breathe deeply and listen to your gut feeling. Trust your initial response and consider it seriously.

Problem-Solving: Use your intuition to navigate challenges. When your child faces a problem, your instincts often provide creative and effective solutions that logical thinking might overlook.

Connecting with Your Child: Intuition can enhance your emotional connection with your child. It helps you sense their needs and feelings, often before they express them verbally.

Self-Care: Use your intuition to identify what you need for self-care. Whether it’s rest, social interaction, or time alone, trust your inner voice to guide you towards what will rejuvenate you.

4. Overcoming Barriers to Intuition

Societal pressures and external opinions can sometimes cloud your intuitive sense. Here’s how to overcome these barriers:

Confidence Building: Regularly affirm your ability to make good decisions. Positive self-talk can reinforce your trust in your instincts.

Support: Surround yourself with supportive people who respect and encourage your intuitive approach.

Limit Negative Influences: Reduce exposure to sources of doubt, whether it’s overly critical people, negative media, or unrealistic standards.

Embracing your intuition involves trusting your natural instincts and creating mindful moments to connect with your inner self. By integrating these practices into your daily life, you can make more confident and authentic decisions for yourself and your family. Remember, your intuition is a powerful guide that, when trusted, can lead to profound and positive outcomes.

5. Celebrate Your Sensuality

Body Awareness:Motherhood transforms our bodies in remarkable ways. Celebrate these changes by practicing body-positive affirmations and engaging in activities that make you feel alive and sensual, such as dancing or yoga. You can find my powerful mothering the mother guide here, which includes rich practices for your inner goddess through embodiment dance, affirmations and tools for you and your child(ren).

Nature Connection: Spend time in nature, feeling the earth beneath your feet and the wind on your skin. Nature has a way of reawakening our senses and reconnecting us to our primal selves. She was our first home and that which gives us life, after all. 

Honor Your Cycles: Menstrual Cycle Awareness: Embrace the natural rhythms of your menstrual cycle. Recognize the phases of menstruation, ovulation, and everything in between as times of reflection, creation, and power. You can read more about menstrual cycle awareness and download my cycle tracking guide, here.

Seasonal Living:Live in harmony with the seasons, adjusting your activities and self-care practices to align with the natural world’s cycles. This connection enhances your awareness of the cyclical nature of life.

6. Nurturing the Wild Woman Through Creative Expression

Art and Craft: Engage in creative activities that allow you to express your inner world. Whether it’s painting, writing, or crafting, these outlets are essential for honoring your wild, creative spirit.

Storytelling: Share stories with your children that reflect the magic and wonder of life. These tales can be drawn from your own experiences or cultural myths and legends that resonate with your wild woman’s soul.

7. Sacred Rituals

Morning Ritual: Start your day with a ritual that grounds and energizes you. This could be as simple as a cup of herbal tea in silence, a short meditation, or an affirmation that sets your intention for the day.

Evening Reflection: End your day with a gratitude practice, reflecting on moments of joy, connection, and learning. This practice keeps you rooted in the present and aware of the beauty in your life.

8. Cultivate Community

Sisterhood Circles: Surround yourself with a tribe of like-minded women who support and uplift you. Regular gatherings, whether in person or virtual, can provide a powerful sense of community and belonging.

Shared Wisdom: Exchange knowledge and experiences with other mothers. Sharing your journey and listening to others can provide new perspectives and reinforce the collective wisdom of motherhood.

9. Integrating Wild Woman Wisdom in Parenting

Encourage Free Play

Nature Play:Encourage your children to play outside, exploring nature with curiosity and wonder. This unstructured playtime fosters creativity and a deep connection with the natural world.

Imaginative Play: Support imaginative play that allows children to express their creativity and explore different aspects of their personalities. Provide them with simple, open-ended toys that spark their imagination.

Teach Self-Reliance

Life Skills: Involve your children in daily tasks, teaching them life skills like cooking, gardening, and basic household chores. These activities build confidence and a sense of responsibility.

Problem-Solving: Encourage your children to solve problems on their own, guiding them with questions rather than solutions. This fosters independence and critical thinking.

 Model Authenticity

Emotional Expression: Show your children that it’s okay to express a full range of emotions. Modeling healthy emotional expression teaches them to honor their own feelings and develop emotional intelligence.

Living Your Truth: Live authentically and pursue your passions. When your children see you embracing your true self, they learn the importance of self-discovery and staying true to their own paths.

10. Rituals to Connect with Your Inner Wild Woman

Moon Rituals

Full Moon: Use the energy of the full moon to release what no longer serves you. Write down your burdens or negative thoughts and burn the paper as a symbol of letting go.

New Moon: Set intentions for the new moon, planting seeds of what you wish to cultivate in your life. This practice keeps you aligned with your goals and aspirations.

Earth-Based Practices

Grounding:Spend time barefoot on the earth, whether it’s in your backyard, a park, or the beach. This practice, known as grounding or earthing, reconnects you with the earth’s energy.

Herbal Wisdom: Integrate herbs into your daily life for healing and connection. Learn about the properties of different herbs and how they can support your well-being.

Embracing Your Unique Purpose

Motherhood is not about conforming to societal expectations but about embracing your unique journey and the wild woman within you. By choosing which practices resonate with you and integrating them, you honor your true essence and create a nurturing, vibrant environment for your children, so they too, can embody their wild, rooted selves.

Remember, the wild woman within you is a source of immense power, creativity, and wisdom. She guides you to live authentically, connect deeply with your intuition, and celebrate the raw beauty of life. Embrace her presence, and let her energy flow through every aspect of your mothering journey.

At Wildly Rooted Woman, we celebrate the wild spirit within every mother. Through intentional practices, creative expression, and a deep connection with nature, you can embody this powerful energy and inspire your children to live boldly and authentically. Embrace the wild woman within, and let her guide you to a deeper, more fulfilling experience of motherhood.


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