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Become Your Own Powerful Birth Advocate

Become your own birthing advocate pregnant woman blog post image hypnobirthing brain acronym intuition natural birth natural pain relief labor and delivery birth plan

Birth is a transformative journey, one that is vulnerable, sacred and individual, and it’s time we become our very own birth advocate. For millennia, women have been told how they should birth, what position they should birth in, where they should birth, and led to believe that birth is something that happens to you, rather than within you, as a compass your body has the innate ability to follow. 

We have been told that birth is an inherently painful and unsatisfying process, where the health professionals and the old patriarchal ways of thinking know best for our bodies and our babies as we journey through the primal process of birth. 

To birth children is our birth right and our reason for existence as mammals. We have been bringing children into the world from our bodies since the beginning of time. It used to be so simple then. It would just be us and our animal instincts, following the guide of our body within a safe, hidden, dark cave so oxytocin could flow. You can read about how you can break the fear-pain-cycle within childbirth with the power of oxytocin, here.

Within our current environment, we are surrounded by technology, fear based thinking, an overwhelm of resources and strict health advice which can be overwhelming for birthing women. When you’re expecting a child, you want nothing less than to keep yourself and your child safe throughout the creation and welcoming them into the outside world.

We are incredibly lucky for the healthcare we have (especially free NHS Health Care if you’re in the UK like me.) but, all of these attributes of our current world come together, and create a dis-trust within our bodies as women.

You may have been led to believe that you don’t know best, or that you need full support to birth your baby. Of course we need someone to hold space for us and be our sacred advocate through birth, but the most abundant gift we can give ourselves, is to learn how to fully trust in the wisdom of our body, in our connection to our babies, and mindfully resource ourselves on that which is true for us, and that which is another’s. 

To trust our instincts, to ask questions, to express our needs, and to speak in more than just a whisper.

To say that we are here. More than just a statistic. To say: “I am a well of wisdom. I am my own sacred advocate”

In this post, we will delve into the profound impact of being your own birth advocate, highlighting the BRAIN acronym from hypnobirthing as a tool to navigate this metamorphosis with reverence.

Reclaiming Your Power in Birth

Birth advocacy is about reclaiming your power and making informed decisions that resonate with your body, mind, and soul. It’s about tuning into your intuition, understanding your options, and confidently voicing your preferences. In a world where medical interventions often overshadow natural birthing processes, it’s crucial to remember that you have a voice—a powerful one. To know that you can allow yourself to roar your truth for you and your child to thrive.

Understanding the BRAIN Acronym

One of the most empowering tools in hypnobirthing is the BRAIN acronym. It stands for Benefits, Risks, Alternatives, Intuition, and Nothing. This simple yet profound framework can help you make informed decisions about your birth plan. You can read more about your birth plan and what to pack in your birth bag, as well as a birth plan template, here. 

1. Benefits: What are the benefits of the proposed intervention or choice?

2. Risks: What are the risks associated with it?

3. Alternatives: Are there any alternatives available?

4. Intuition: What is your gut feeling telling you?

5. Nothing: What happens if you decide to do nothing for now?

By asking these questions, you equip yourself with the knowledge and confidence to make decisions that align with your personal values and desired birth experience.

Benefits: Gaining Clarity and Confidence

The first step in the BRAIN acronym is understanding the benefits. When faced with any decision during childbirth, it’s essential to ask, “What are the benefits?” This question helps you understand the positive outcomes and advantages of a particular intervention or choice.

For instance, if you’re considering an epidural, understanding its benefits and negatives—such as pain relief can help you make a more informed decision for you and your baby. Your research should also take into account your natural pain relief options, so that you can make the most informed choice possible for you and your child. 

Understanding benefits extends beyond just pain management. For example, knowing the benefits of natural birthing positions, such as squatting or using a birthing ball, can enhance your ability to manage labor effectively. These positions can help open the pelvis and use gravity to aid in the descent of the baby, potentially leading to a shorter and more efficient labor, rather than being on your back – which is an incredibly outdated, uncomfortable position to birth in, which goes against gravity and the birthing process entirely. We need to be moving, swaying, with our hips open. You can read more about pain relief options during labor here.

Risks: Navigating Potential Pitfalls

Every intervention and choice comes with its own set of risks. By asking about the risks, you’re not only preparing yourself for potential challenges but also empowering yourself to make informed decisions.

For example, if a healthcare provider suggests induction, understanding the risks—such as increased likelihood of further interventions or potential distress to the baby—allows you to consider whether this aligns with your birth preferences. Induction can lead to stronger and more frequent contractions, which might increase the likelihood of requiring pain relief interventions, such as an epidural. Additionally, the use of medications like Pitocin can sometimes cause foetal distress, leading to emergency interventions like caesarean sections.

Knowing the risks also applies to seemingly routine procedures, such as continuous electronic foetal monitoring (EFM). While EFM can provide continuous data on your baby’s well-being, it can also restrict your movement, potentially leading to a longer labor. Understanding these risks allows you to weigh the necessity of continuous monitoring against the benefits of mobility during labor.

Alternatives: Exploring Your Options

There’s rarely a single path to achieving the birth experience you desire. Asking about alternatives opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to explore different approaches and find what resonates best with you.

Perhaps you’re offered a caesarean section due to a perceived complication. Inquiring about alternatives might reveal options such as waiting longer, trying different birthing positions, or other non-invasive interventions that could facilitate a natural birth. For instance, if your baby is in a breech position, alternatives might include specific exercises and positions to encourage the baby to turn on their own. My daughter turned from the breech position at 38 weeks by using active birth positions, visualizing daily that she has turned, and massage!

Exploring alternatives also includes considering complementary therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, or hypnobirthing techniques. These approaches can help manage pain, reduce stress, and promote a more positive birthing experience. For example, hypnobirthing teaches breathing techniques, visualization, and deep relaxation, which can significantly reduce the need for medical interventions and create a calmer, more controlled birthing environment. 

You can read more about hypnobirthing here.

 Intuition: Trusting Your Inner Wisdom as Your Birth Advocate

In a world dominated by external advice and opinions, it’s easy to overlook the most potent tool at your disposal—your intuition. Your body holds innate wisdom, and your intuition can guide you toward choices that feel right, even when they contradict medical advice.

When faced with a decision, take a moment to tune into your inner self. What is your gut telling you? Trusting your intuition can be the key to navigating your birth journey with confidence and calm. For instance, if you feel strongly that labor is progressing well despite a slow timeline, advocating for more time and patience might be the best course of action, rather than rushing into interventions. There is no set time-line, no matter what you’re told. Many mothers go from 1cm dilated, to 10cm within a very short time-frame and others may take longer. Your body will progress at its own speed. Ask yourself what your gut instincts are telling you.

Intuition also plays a crucial role when interacting with healthcare providers. If something doesn’t feel right, even if it’s being presented as routine, trust your feelings and seek further clarification or a second opinion. This trust in your inner wisdom empowers you to make choices that align with your body’s natural rhythms and your emotional well-being. Healthcare providers do not always get things right, trust me. – I’ve had many experiences where this was the case for me.

Nothing: The Power of Patience

Sometimes, the best course of action is to do nothing at all. This doesn’t mean being passive; it means allowing your body the time and space it needs to progress naturally. Asking, “What happens if we do nothing?” can often reveal that immediate action isn’t always necessary.

For instance, labor often progresses slower than expected, leading to suggestions of interventions. However, giving yourself permission to wait, to trust the process, and to do nothing immediately can result in a more natural and less stressful birthing experience. Labor is a dynamic process, and sometimes what’s needed is simply more time for your body to work through each stage.

In a medicalized birthing environment, the natural pace of labor can sometimes be perceived as problematic. However, every labor is unique, and what might seem slow to a healthcare provider could be perfectly normal for you and your baby. Embracing the power of doing nothing can help you stay in tune with your body’s natural rhythm and reduce unnecessary stress and interventions.

Putting BRAIN into Practice

Let’s consider a scenario where the BRAIN acronym can be particularly useful. Imagine you’re in labor, and your healthcare provider suggests breaking your waters to speed up labor.

– Benefits: You ask about the benefits and learn that it might shorten labor.

– Risks: You inquire about the risks and discover that it could increase the intensity of contractions and the risk of infection.

– Alternatives: You ask if there are alternatives and find out that changing positions or walking might help labor progress naturally.

– Intuition: You check in with your intuition and feel that your body needs more time without intervention.

– Nothing: You consider doing nothing and realize that, as long as you and the baby are not in distress, waiting is a viable option.

By using the BRAIN acronym, you’ve empowered yourself to make a decision that aligns with your desires and intuition, rather than feeling pressured into a choice.

 Creating Your Birth Plan with BRAIN

Incorporating the BRAIN acronym into your birth plan is a proactive way to ensure you remain the advocate of your birthing experience. Discuss this framework with your birth partner, doula, and healthcare provider. Make it clear that you intend to use this decision-making process throughout your labor and delivery.

When preparing your birth plan, consider including specific preferences and decisions based on the BRAIN framework. For instance, you might state your desire to avoid unnecessary interventions and emphasize the importance of patience and natural progression. Outline your preferences for pain management, birthing positions, and immediate postpartum care for you and your baby. You can use my budget holistic birth plan guide with a motherhood integration journal, here. 

The Emotional and Psychological Power of Advocacy

Being your own birth advocate isn’t just about making informed decisions—it’s also about the emotional and psychological empowerment that comes with taking control of your birth experience. Advocacy fosters a sense of agency, reduces fear, and increases satisfaction with the birth process.

When you advocate for yourself, you’re also advocating for your baby. You’re setting the tone for a birthing experience rooted in respect, autonomy, and love. This powerful stance can positively influence your transition into motherhood, fostering a deep connection with your baby and a sense of self confidence.

Birth is not just a physical event; it’s an emotional and psychological journey. The way you experience birth can shape your perception of yourself as a mother and influence your postpartum experience. By advocating for a birth that aligns with your values and instincts, you’re honoring your journey and setting the stage for a positive and empowering motherhood experience, through becoming your own birth advocate.

Embrace Your Power

Stand firm, speak up, and trust in your inner wisdom. You are a wildly rooted woman, and your birth story is a commitment to your strength, resilience, and love. Birth is a profound act of creation, and by advocating for yourself, you’re ensuring that this sacred process unfolds in alignment with your deepest values and desires. Embrace your power, and let your birth story be one of empowerment and inner trust to pass onto future generations.


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