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5 Mothers Day Gifts That Show Her Your Gratitude & Meet Her Unique Needs

This post contains affiliate links, so if you purchase anything from my links, I will receive a commission at no extra cost to you. I only ever recommend products that I know have been supportive with my own experience.

Did you know that motherhood is the equivalent of 2.5 full time jobs? You can read more about the study here. Although mother’s should be seen and supported within the challenges and rewards of motherhood, Mother’s Day is a reminder to honour their needs in all the ways that have been put aside for the growth of their children.

Becoming a mother leads to the biggest transformation towards unconditional love, bonding, play and growth that one can ever experience. The reward of being a mother can be hard to describe. As mother’s we have birthed our child from our bodies, but we have rebirthed a new life from this sacred experience. 

But, it can also feel as though motherhood is a constant cycle of responsibilities, trial and error, milestones, sleep disturbances. All while trying to ensure all of their needs are met, whilst also trying to meet our own.

This is mainly due to the fact that many don’t have a village that we once had many generations prior. The multitude of roles it takes to bring up a child was once shared between several, leaving the mother time to tend to her own needs.

The constant lack of sleep, stimulation, loud noises, mess & need to constantly be observing their safety as a parent of a young child, can lead to our bodies to feel dysregulated. Ready to attack with our fierce motherly instincts at any given moment. This can make being present to our emotions as individuals, a difficult task.

You can learn more about helping the mothers in your life regulate their emotions through Nervous System Regulation tools here.

I know all too well, especially as a mother to a young child, that our own needs can be placed on the back burner regularly, and we can become sensitive to the cycle of burn-out. 

Although we can begin by assuring mothers this is just one season of motherhood, that more play, joy and independence is on it’s way… When you’re in the thick of it, there are certain practices and tools mothers can incorporate into their lives in order to feel more grounded, fulfilled and sovereign.

I’m so passionate about the need to mother the mother’s in our lives, for the holistic health of the whole family unit, and that of the world, as we go on to nurture the future generations. This is why I thought it would be a great idea to offer some inspiration and mother’s day gift ideas that revolve around the needs of a mother and an empowered woman. 

It’s become the norm to purchase flowers, chocolates, cards and teddy’s around this time of year, which is beautiful and I absolutely don’t discourage it, if you feel this is right for the mothers in your life. 

But, I wanted to go deeper below the surface for this mother’s day blog post.

My passion is to deeply nurture the holistic health of mothers, which will be the catalyst for the health of our world. This means to hold space for the physical, mental, physiological and even spiritual needs of the mother.

So let’s think back to what a mother may be lacking, needing, yearning or missing out on in this season in her life. Allow mother’s day to be your reminder to care for the mother’s in your life all year round, by meeting their full needs that may have been unmet.

Without further ado, here’s 5 Unique Mother’s Day Gifts That Show You Her Gratitude:

1. A Motherhood Journal

A Journal takes mothers on a journey to more calm, emotional resilience and self love, by utilising the soothing practice of journaling her thoughts and emotions, so that you can support the mother’s in your life with any stress or mental health difficulties she is facing.

Support her with this deep transformation into a new version of herself, supporting her in releasing insecurities, mum guilt, and high expectations of herself. Journals like the one below are infused with affirmations, prompts and empathetic reminders in mothering the mother first. Journaling has been shown to be an immense practice with rewiring the brain, managing negative self talk, and literally gets the cycles of the mind onto the page, so that you can think clearer and come back to yourself.

You can find a beautiful example of a nurturing motherhood journal here.

2. An Affirmation Card Deck 

Whether the mother close to your heart is pregnant with her child, is within the depths of the postpartum period, or a mother with an older child, affirmations are incredibly powerful.

Affirmations hold immense power due to their ability to reprogram the mind, fostering positivity and resilience. By consciously repeating affirmations, we actively engage in shaping our thoughts and beliefs. 

This process creates a ripple effect, influencing our emotions and actions in profound ways. Affirmations serve as reminders of our capabilities, instilling confidence and self-assurance. 

They anchor us in the present moment, fostering mindfulness and gratitude. Through consistent practice, affirmations reinforce a mindset geared towards growth and success, empowering us to overcome challenges and pursue our goals with unwavering determination.

This is all the more true through pregnancy, birth, postpartum or beyond. 

They’re like a lifeline, keeping us grounded and strong through every ebb and flow. During pregnancy, they help us stay connected to our bodies and the life growing inside. 

When women bring their child into their world, affirmations give us the pure grit to face it head-on, calming our fears and boosting our confidence, supporting our birth to be an empowering experience. Once the baby arrives, they’re there to remind us that we’re capable, even on the toughest days. 

If you’d like to be one of the first to hear about the powerful project I’m birthing for mothers through each transformation, you can support my cause in holistically mothering the mother, by supporting my Kickstarter project here, and signing up for the Giveaway I’ve curated, in order to hold the mother’s in your life: Sign Up Here

There are some beautiful Affirmation Decks below for every transformation of motherhood.

  1. Pregnancy & Birth Affirmation Cards
  2. Fourth Trimester Cards or Postpartum Affirmation Cards.
  3. Motherhood Affirmation Cards

3. A Self-Care Book for Mothers

For the mothers that love to read, but may not have the time for reading a proper book, you can purchase amazing self-care books fuelled with an array of tools, practices and resources for navigating the storms of motherhood, and coming home to themselves through soothing their mental, physical and physiological health and well being. When we begin advocating, nurturing and supporting the mother’s in our lives, we are also supporting their children in reducing their anxiety and any stress too, as the mother is one of their greatest bonds and role models. 

There’s a beautiful self-care book here, that nourished me as a new mother, but if the mother in your life has been a mother for long, many other recommendations will arise for you from this link: Self-Care Book for new mothers.

4. Hormone balancing 

Whether the mother in your life is a new or experienced mother, we as mothers are incredibly susceptible to hormonal imbalance. The lack of sleep, the difficulty to eat the right foods because of it, the lack of exercise, and if they are breastfeeding, their hormones will really struggle to regulate until all of these aspects align. 

This is one of the many reasons I take these wonderful, natural hormone balancing supplements to try and support me with regulating mine. (Just a note that if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, the advice is not to take these, so you will need to find something more appropriate.) Hormone Balancing Supplements NOT for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers.

If the mother in your life is breastfeeding, this is a fabulous supplement: Breastfeeding Vitamins. For pregnancy, as much rest, exercises, nutrient dense foods, hydration and prenatal will do perfectly. Not forgetting most importantly, limiting stress in all the ways you can. You can read my blog on Mental Health in Pregnancy, and how to soothe it here: Pregnancy Mental Health is So Important. Here’s 10 Reasons Why: – Wildly Rooted Woman

5. One day and a night where she can do whatever she likes, alone.

The biggest gift you could give a mother is quality time to herself. Hold the mothers in your life, by holding the baby. Take some time off work, or at the weekend, arrange a trip for her, even if it’s close by. Does she like to walk in nature? Somewhere near the woods? Is her body aching and she’d love a massage? Book her a massage.

Is she worried because she’s breastfeeding, and she doesn’t want to leave her baby? This is so deeply natural. Is she able to express some milk for the baby while she’s away? Are you able to join her on the trip, to take care of the baby through the night as she gets a full night’s sleep?

Does she want to lay in bed all day and all night with chocolate covered strawberries and her favourite shows, uninterrupted? Make it possible. The only boundaries are the ones we set for ourselves in our minds. You don’t even need to go away anywhere! How about you come over and support her with all of her needs from her home, and if you live with her, honour her by doing all the cleaning, cooking, as well as supporting her child with their needs?

You can download my free guide with powerful practices to regulate yourselves with your children below.

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