Join Our Conscious Village!


Hello Wild Women and Children

Welcome to my space and thank you for sharing it with me. 

My name is Bonnie,  I’m a Women’s Wisdom Holder, Mental Health Advocate, Birth & Post-partum space holder, Writer and Conscious Mother.

I interweave the wisdom I hold, and my raw life experience as womb-an and mother, to hold space for Nervous System Regulation, Embodiment and Integration. This project was birthed through my rooted struggles with childhood trauma, pregnancy, motherhood and alchemy. Allow my offerings to be your muse to waking up to the feeling of sacred sensation.

This is a space for you to feel deeply seen and be softly held. We are human beings. Primal beings, not robots. We aren’t perfectly chiselled shapes made to fit into tightly secured boxes. We are wild animals who ebb and flow constantly like the seasons. Everything in nature can be seen in us. We fall, we die, to be re-birthed again. We have a timeline, yet are immortal all in one. We need to be seen for this truth, not contained and fearful for being ourselves.

We used to gather in tribes to raise children as a village, to share, eat, play, create, honour and stand in awe at the ever-changing world that surrounded us. My soul misses this, and I’ve come to realise that the only way to bring about change in this way, is to be the change. This community is for those who too, are waking up from their slumber to recall the lost parts of themselves.

 I’ve envisioned this seed in my mind since I was a young girl, yearning for my voice to be heard, to be seen, to express authentically and wildly, which is still such a challenge as a womb-an living in our current time, where it feels safe to adhere to the guidelines and paths which have been laid out for us. This seed implanted and began to give me life, just as I had a life growing inside of me too. 

I live in South Wales with my sweet daughter and soul mate.

I am passionate about natural healing, cyclical living, building conscious connections, and embodiment practices which keep us grounded within our bodies, throughout all emotions and experiences, which make us human. All of my teachings are woven with primal, instinctual wisdom which I’m sure we have all heard the whispers of, behind the fog of our current climate. I yearn to hold space for you to hear the whispers of the wild, and bring her un-ruly truths to the surface.

​I yearn to build a community which creates heart-centred spaces for women in all transition cycles (menarche, pregnancy, post-partum, menopause and all other points of re-birth for the soul); to feel held, nurtured and joined in coming back to their true nature and the innate foresight of our mind and body, which has been tainted and hidden throughout history, trauma and living so far from our natural essence.

​This is a subtle invitation to come home to yourself, without expectations or judgements, but with a gentle unfolding of your offerings and powers, for your voice to be heard, through the cyclical passages of womb-anhood, free, and beautifully unique to you. 

Through my life experiences; whether this be personal or within my outer environment, I have began to find seeds of truth, reflection and embodiment through the practice of Meditation, Embodied Movement, Birth work, women’s space holding, conscious parenting, Counselling and Menstrual Cycle Awareness – living in tune with my seasons. 

​If you feel called to join me on this path of initiating our wild womanhood back from the shadows, and supporting our children to regulate their nervous system’s, please feel free to contact me or support the medicine of my work to re-building a village that was once lost to time. 

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